Legacy Giving

Do you want to leave a legacy in support of United Methodist students and UM-related institutions?

Join the Wesleyan Heritage Society, a group of individuals who want to remember UMHEF in their estate plans.

The most common and simplest way someone can give a legacy gift (also known as planned giving) to the United Methodist Higher Education Foundation is by making a bequest via a will or trust. UMHEF staff would be honored to work with you if you are considering a bequest or other form of planned giving.

Common forms of legacy giving include:

  • Endowments
  • Bequests in a will or trust
  • Donor-advised Funds
  • Stocks or Appreciated Securities

Do you want to learn more about UMHEF planned giving options?

Wesley Heritage Society logo

If you plan to leave UMHEF in your will, please let us know so we can thank you in your lifetime. Email development@umhef.org or call 615-649-3990 and our Director of Development, Marti Williams-Martin, will be in touch.